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Writer's pictureIntractable Epilepsy

Four Years Since the Law Changed.......

It is now four years since the momentous day when Sajid Javid stood at the dispatch box and said that the current legislation “Is not good enough for doctors, it’s not good enough for parents and it’s not good enough for me”

The law-making Full extract Medicinal Cannabis legally available was announced on the 1st of November 2018, however since then we have not had a single NHS prescription written in the normal way.

The law making Full extract Medicinal Cannabis legally available was announced on the 1st November 2018, however since then we have not had a single NHS prescription written in the normal way.

In total there are 3 such prescriptions in place…. All after campaigns on major national media exposed the need.

3 out of over 25,000 cases of children and young adults having severe drug-resistant seizures, who would normally qualify for such treatment when suffering from a life-threatening condition.

The decision makers know that Epilepsy is a killer and drug-resistant epilepsy can kill at any time, day or night, and without warning.

So, is it money or a genuine concern about the safety of the treatment that is blocking the availability?

Other countries have used the same medication for decades…. With not a single case of a patient dying from a prescription of medicinal cannabis.

It is also being prescribed privately by neurologists at a cost of £2,000 a month without any safety concerns, which would not happen if it were at all dangerous.

I should add that this medication has over 90% seizure control in the over 100 children and young adults that we are in touch with. You can find out more from Drug Science

So, we live in interesting times.

The official launch of INTRACTABLE is a ground-breaking moment. We become the first charity to be approved by the Charity commission to raise funds to pay for children and young adults cannabis based medicinal prescriptions.

The official launch at Westminster sends out a message of hope to families with loved ones who suffer from intractable epilepsy and keeps the need for availability via the NHS directly in the spotlight.

Please, please, please support this vitally important charity.

Team Intractable

Giving Children Their Lives Back

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